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Glossary of Terms

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Helpful calculator for processing scan settings

Preflight | Imagesetting | Color Correcting | Samples


The primary goal of Claffey Printing is to create stunning color for your printed piece(s). We pride ourselves in improving the details, that ensure you get high quality color in your image reproduction.

One issue encountered frequently, is the difference between RGB and CMYK. If you're unfamiliar with these terms, please refer to our Glossary of Terms in the column on the left. It will help explain the difference. Everything that runs through the printing process goes throgh as CMYK.

Another issue is that what you see on your monitor screen may not be the way it will appear on your printed piece. Camera settings can be set differently, the image can be viewed differently, and lighting in the office can certainly affect the way the images are viewed.

Color Correcting

As you can see with the example below, the image needed to be adjusted to improve the contrast and color. This can be caused by any number of things, but we make sure to take the necessary steps to fix the problem.

If your unsure how your images will look on paper at the end of the printing process, have no fear. We have specialists on staff whose sole responsibility is to make sure your images have been color corrected and will literally "pop" off the page.

For more information about images and how to supply them to us, simply click on the Information on supplying jobs to us link in the column on the left.

Claffey Printing Company

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